Teacher Mini-Grants 

The Auburn Chamber of Commerce Mini-Grant Program provides grants for special and worthy projects that benefit students

The 2024 Application is now open. Application deadline is September 30, 2024.

Program Overview

This program is designed to support the development of innovative teaching ideas and increase student motivation and enthusiasm by providing funds for instructional experimentation and enrichment activities. The project may be an individual or team effort. Be creative!

Grants of up to $500 each are awarded on a competitive basis for special and worthy projects that benefit students.  


Grant applications are available for all Auburn & Bay Path Regional Voc. Tech school teachers.

Evaluation criteria will include:

  • Innovative and creative teaching ideas (project title & description)
  • Benefit to student (goals & objectives) 
  • Enrichment (how project enhances curriculum) 
  • Number of students reached per year
  • Shelf life of project (# years project may be repeated)
  • All applications must be completed in full


The grant application must be returned to your building principal typically  by late September. Applications will be reviewed by the School/Business Partnership Committee and awards will be made in November.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your School/Business Partnership Liaison or Virginia Murphy at the Auburn Chamber of Commerce (508) 753-2924 x240 or email Virginia Murphy


Application dealine is September 30, 2024.